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We're proud to endorse Seattle’s bold progressives: Nikkita Oliver, Nicole Thomas-Kennedy, & Lorena Gonzalez

SEATTLE — The 43rd District Democrats are excited to announce that we’ve elected to endorse our most progressive slate of candidates yet. And, this year, it hits a little different: These candidates will have the backing of our snowballing PAC. Thanks to a growing list of founders, we will put not just words but material actions behind our candidates.

“We voted loud and clear for Seattle’s most vulnerable tonight,” said Scott Alspach, the 43rd’s Chair. “The candidates we’ve endorsed are those who have repeatedly stood by Seattle’s displaced working class and impoverished. These candidates have already been and will be the bold, unfearing leadership we need to address so many of our current inequitable crises.”

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SEATTLE — The 43rd District Democrats are excited to announce that we’ve elected to endorse our most progressive slate of candidates yet. And, this year, it hits a little different: These candidates will have the backing of our snowballing PAC. Thanks to a growing list of founders, we will put not just words but material actions behind our candidates.

“We voted loud and clear for Seattle’s most vulnerable tonight,” said Scott Alspach, the 43rd’s Chair. “The candidates we’ve endorsed are those who have repeatedly stood by Seattle’s displaced working class and impoverished. These candidates have already been and will be the bold, unfearing leadership we need to address so many of our current inequitable crises.”

“I’ve worked on the frontlines of many of the crises facing our city,” Seattle City Council Pos. 9 Nikkita Oliver said. They know we must respond to the climate crisis in front of us by ending exclusionary zoning, building workforce housing, and expanding a free transportation system. Oliver won with 74.55% of our votes (in a count of 82 to 20).

“Our shortage of affordable housing is a crisis,” said City Attorney candidate Nicole Thomas-Kennedy, the only Democrat in the race. “Jail is not an answer, housing is.” She was endorsed with 77.68% (87) of our votes.

In an 88 to 25 vote (76.52%), the 43rd District Democrats also endorsed Lorena Gonzalez for Seattle Mayor. “I’ll demilitarize police, hold bad cops accountable, and expand the civilian community service officer program,” Gonzalez said. “We can push for the policies that make sense for our people, and not abandon our progressive values.”

“There’s a reason that Lorena González Nikkita Oliver, Nicole Thomas-Kennedy, and Teresa Mosqueda are the only candidates in their races with endorsements from local Democratic Party organizations. They are the progressive leaders our city needs, and are each the clear choice for Democratic voters in Seattle.”

For other races, our 2021 primary election endorsements carry over to the general.

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